Yes, my head is ready to explode! The 11 Things covered a lot of material and since this was all new to me, it took longer to get through it! However, I'm happy that this class was offered because it got me 'out of my cave' and opened up a whole world I didn't even know existed. Now I'm ready to go on to the 12 Things---after a little break, that is.
I definitely need more time to scout around and do plan to check out/try out the tech tools we've covered so far. I especially want to learn more about the spreadsheets because they could be useful for so many things such as recording grades or scheduling. So far, I plan on substitute teaching and possibly teaching a class like I did last year (Biology).
IF I teach a class OR if I get a part- time position (which I'm checking into), I would like to do some kind of a new student survey from Google Docs to help me get to know the students. Prior to the school year, however, I would want to check out some websites to bookmark for further reference and some SlideShare presentations that could be used to teach some of the major concepts. I might even create some of my own presentations from Google Docs, but only after I explore the options and 'play around' first!
Last year, I sent out weekly emails to my students as a way to 'keep in touch' and review their assignments and/or remind them what to bring to the next class. The comments I included were often a type of reflection, something like 'blogging' so maybe I could create some kind of blog where the students could also respond(?); just a thought.
Many classrooms I'm in have a smart board so I definitely need to learn how to use it. The couple times I've used it, I had to be instructed what to do. So a class for this, along with the 12 & 13 'other things' offered through the ISD, will help gear me up with the technology to teach and learn in the 21st century. I'm looking forward to learning about wikis, photo uploading, podcasts, Skype, and everything else listed in the class description.
It would be good to stay connected to collaborate and offer support. It would probably be even better to connect with colleagues at a teacher's own school, especially at the middle or high school level where subjects are taught separately. I don't have any real solutions except to keep all of us subscribed as we've been.
In conclusion, I believe we that we can use Web 2.0 to enhance our teaching. The students in our classes are the digital natives and acquire the skills quickly---and they NEED them. Computer/tech classes should be covering the things we're learning so students have the necessary skills and accounts already set up to be implemented by the regular classroom teacher. So let's get started, one step at a time!
Just one last thought, let's not forget that working together (in person) and doing 'hands-on' activities are also important. I am concerned that too much technology could interfere with personal interaction and cause some to be isolated from real people. Let's make it work to our advantage and not our disadvantage.
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