Saturday, August 20, 2011

Thing 14


This is a very interesting wiki for elementary age students. The purpose is to encourage kids "to invent, create, and design alone and with others." It offers an opportunity for them "to participate in collaborative learning" and "to gain a broader understanding of a global interconnected world." In the process they learn "to use digital tools effectively and safely."

Creative writing projects could be set up. This would be a good way to begin using this kind of wiki. As students gain more skill and confidence, other projects could be ventured.


A wiki with a collection of cool learning links about the human body! Great for a study/review about the human body (geared for upper elementary or middle school); includes games as well.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Thing 12

How could we use photo uploading and sharing? I can see this as a 'get aquainted' activity. I could also see this as a creative writing activity. The teacher could have a photo stream of pictures, then students could pick one and write a story to go with it. Or, for those reluctant writers, there could be a sequence of pictures that would help guide them through a story.

While I practiced uploading, tagging, and describing pictures, I'd like to also explore some of the other options on Flickr as well. For instance, typing in the word 'horses' brought up some beautiful pictures from which to choose. There seem to be countless images available. However, that is also a concern because students could easily stumble upon an inappropriate picture. I'm not sure how I could monitor that or how Flickr regulates their sight either.